Rent an apartment
from home

We take care of the rest

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Discover our apartments in Barcelona and surroundings
Monthly rentals from 32 days to 23 months

How it works

Setup of your profile
Complete your profile in less than 5 minutes and apply to the apartment of your choice digitally.
Encrypted documentation
Share the information required to evaluate your profile; the documentation will be fully encrypted and secure on our servers.
Electronic signature
Sign the lease 100% online through our digital tool provided by Docusign
Apartment condition check
Check the physical condition of the apartment during the check-in, if it does not match with the description provided, a solution will be sought after.
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Who is our client

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Are you going to study in a new city?
BeyondFlats is your solution to avoid wasting time visiting apartments and fighting with agents.
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Are you intending to work remotely or is your company sending you to a new city?
BeyondFlats will allow you to make this change without stress and with total peace of mind.
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Are you returning or coming from abroad and still have nowhere where to stay?
BeyondFlats allows you to make this transition into Spain without having to worry.
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Do you want to share an apartment with other people and are based out of Spain?
Take advantage of photo reports, videos, etc. to find an apartment without surprises.
Put your apartments in value
We make a photographic and video report, at the same time we publish the asset in several portals of high diffusion (Idealista, Habitaclia, Fotocasa, etc.) to rent your apartment quickly.
Choose the tenant
We validate the profiles and risk level of the tenants, and allow you to choose among the candidates while minimizing the risk. Renting the apartment while minimizing risks is possible.
Manage your units online
A private online space will allow you to have visibility of all the operations related to each apartment, as well as to view reservations, contracts, invoices and the general performance of the property. You will have all your rental information under control.
Receive the money without problems
Thanks to our payment technology, you will always receive your rent payment between the 15th and 20th of the current month.
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Who is our client

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Do you want to improve the performance of your apartments?
Thanks to our technology and targeted demand access, we achieve higher occupancy at a higher average price than a traditional agency.
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Haven't you rented an apartment before?
We will support you along the entire process and will help you find a suitable candidate for your unit.
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Are you going to live abroad and want to rent your apartment without risk?
Don't worry, let us be your local partner, as you keep track of the progress of your properties online.
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Does another agency manage your properties currently?
We offer you a more efficient and affordable solution. We can improve your conditions by improving the quality of the service provided.

What they say about us

As an owner, Beyondflats has really helped me to outsource all the management of seasonal rentals, as well as offering me interesting returns, transparency and support.
Maria S.
Seasonal leasing with Beyondflats
I found the perfect apartment through Beyondflats in Barcelona during the 4 months I was working there. The level of support before and during the staying was very good.
Guillaume D.
I have rented seasonally with Beyondflats
Coming from abroad, I wasn't sure I would find a way to lease a unit without troubles, Beyondflats facilitated that transition to Spain and made it easy. The service has been top notch.
Dina L.
I have rented long term with Beyondflats
Beyondflats has freed up my time from apartment management. The truth is that they work well.
Jose Luis S.
Landlord with Beyondflats